St Columba's Way
The Way of Saint Columbanus retraces the places touched by the Irish monk during his "peregrinatio pro Christo". Discover the route through Emilia-Romagna.
330 km / 65 km in Emilia-Romagna

Colombano, was one of the most influential personalities of his time. Called "the first true European saint", he was born in 540 in Leinster, Ireland. In 591 he set sail with twelve disciples from Bangor, near Belfast, and for over thirty years he traveled through Europe founding communities and monasteries. “The Way of San Colombano” in Italy gives the opportunity to retrace the steps of the Irish abbot who crossed the Alps in 612, arriving in Milan at the court of the Lombard rulers, Agilulfo and Teodolinda.
After two years of stay in the capital, they directed him to the locality of Bobbio, located at the northern end of the Apennines.
Here in 614, San Colombano founded his last monastery which became an important center of spirituality establishing itself for centuries as the most influential institution also from a cultural point of view in all of northern Italy and beyond.
Colombano died in 615. His remains are kept in the crypt of the Abbey, pilgrim destination for centuries
Further information:
Track in updating. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Before setting out, always consult the institutional websites of the individual Paths for up-to-date information.

Viale Ramazzini 72
Reggio nell'Emilia 42124 (RE)