Piccola Cassia Way
The Piccola Cassia Way is an old road that dates from the foundation of the Roman colonies in the Po Valley Plain and continued the itinerary of the more famous Cassia Way
206 km / 113 km in Emilia-Romagna

The Piccola Cassia Way is an old road that dates from the foundation of the Roman colonies in the Po Valley Plain and continued the itinerary of the more famous Cassia Way northward through the mountainous region between Modena and Bologna.
The route of the Piccola Cassia Way now covers about 170 km through a landscape that varies from fertile plain divided into hundreds to hills with gullies and vineyards, then rising toward the dense mountain forests and extensive meadows of the Apennine ridge. The trail starts from the southern city gate of Modena and follows the ridge between the Panaro and Samoggia valleys in the direction of the villages of Zocca and Castel d’Aiano, where it enters the valley of the River Reno.
After crossing the Apennines the Piccola Cassia Way drops again into Tuscany and after crossing the Ombrone valley it finally reaches Pistoia where it rejoins the Cassia Way in the direction of Rome.
The route joins the trails of the Romea Nonantolana Way and Romea Strata Longobarda – Nonantolana Way.
Before setting out, always consult the institutional websites of the individual Paths for up-to-date information.

Via del Poggio 30
Loiano 40050 (BO)
Via del Monte 3G
Bologna 40126 (BO)